Put Abortion On the Ballot

Excerpt from email: The constitutional amendment petition needs more than 800,000 signatures before February. That’s a tall order, and secular Floridians must show up in strong support. FFRF Action Fund is asking you to take the following actions: The only organized opposition to abortion rights is religious in nature. Please help ensure that the separation …

2023 Florida bills

Here is a list of some of the bills that are being considered in the 2023 Florida 60 day legislative session with a brief description. The oppose or support is my personal views and not necessarily the views of the FCFS. The alerts are from our allies. Please consider clicking on them if you agree …

Some of the bad bills being considered by the Florida legislature

House bill Senate companion bill a few words description or highlighting the most egregious part status of HOUSE bill as of 3/15/2023 unless indicated otherwise status of Senate bill as of 3/15/2023 unless indicated otherwise no house bill 1316 bloggers must register with the state if they get paid to criticize DeSantis et al referred …

Dangerous bills being considered in Florida

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is running a full-page ad in both the Tallahassee Democrat and the Miami Herald this Sunday with a surprising headline: “Yes, Governor DeSantis — You’re Right.” BUT it’s a limited agreement. FFRF, the national state/church watchdog, concurs: “Our schools are for education, not indoctrination.” But there the agreement ends. It …

HB 1 will expand vouchers going to religious private schools

HB 1, the universal vouchers bill, is making its way through the legislative process. It eliminates the income cap on families qualifying for a voucher. Even billionaires will qualify for a voucher (subsidy) if HB-1 passes as proposed. According to FL DOE School Choice website, 2,311 of 3,097 Florida private schools accept vouchers. Of those …

What does it mean to be woke?

What does it mean to be woke and what does DeSantis mean by the Stop Woke Act? Two parts of the Stop Woke Act have been at least temporarily stopped. The judge opened his 139-page order with a quote from George Orwell’s novel “1984” and called the law “positively dystopian.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/11/17/judge-nixes-higher-education-portions-floridas-stop-woke-act/ Are you worried about …

New Civics Standards

This is VERY troubling. How will teachers respond to something that’s blatantly not true? It is NOT a misconception that the founders favored church/state separation. High school teachers attending one of these trainings in South Florida were alarmed at the focus on “Christian and conservative ideology,” The Miami Herald reported last month. Training slides published …

Subversive? Extremist?

What adjective would you use for the six Supreme Court justices who are making outrageous rulings, defying precedent and norms, and attacking minority rights? The six appear bent on turning our country into a Theocracy that takes away a woman’s right to health care, encourages armed citizens, pushes Christian nationalism, and condones unlimited campaign contributions …

Expand the Supreme Court

If you think Congress should expand the Supreme Court, please tell them. Here’s a link to all the Senators’ contact information: https://www.270towin.com/elected-officials/contact-us-senators Write all the US Senators if you agree with this author who said, “Demand that the Supreme Court be expanded. Abolish the filibuster. Treat this like the emergency it is!” https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jun/25/us-supreme-court-illegitimate-institution Please see …