Florida bills being discussed in November 2023

Write or call your state legislators if you support or oppose these bills. Ask your legislator to protect our taxpayer dollars.You can find the bills and what committee will be discussing them at this link: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/bills.aspx?SessionId=104&HouseChamber=B As of November 3, 2023, these bills are on the House of Representatives’ list: HB 1 C Disaster relief …

HB 1 will expand vouchers going to religious private schools

HB 1, the universal vouchers bill, is making its way through the legislative process. It eliminates the income cap on families qualifying for a voucher. Even billionaires will qualify for a voucher (subsidy) if HB-1 passes as proposed. According to FL DOE School Choice website, 2,311 of 3,097 Florida private schools accept vouchers. Of those …