The decision to continue her pregnancy rests with the woman as do her other health care decisions. As with all people, the woman may consult her family, her doctor, or/and other trusted advisors about her health care decisions BUT the government should not decrease her access to quality health care.
Urge the chairs of the committees to place these bills on their Committee’s meeting agenda.
SB 1036 is the companion bill to HB 709
SB 628 is the companion bill to HB 6023
They include the words:
WHEREAS, comprehensive reproductive health care, including contraception and abortion, is a fundamental component of a woman’s health, privacy, and equality
SB 1036 and SB 628 will stall if Senator Manny Diaz, Jr. doesn’t add it to the agenda for the Senate Committee on Health Policy.
His email address is and his phone number is (850) 487-5036
HB 709 and HB 6023 will stall if Representative Robinson doesn’t add it to the agenda for the House Professions & Public Health Subcommittee. Will Robinson email address is and his phone number is (850) 717-5071
Our ally UU Justice has made it easy to write to the chair Will Robinson:
Our ally UU Justice has made it easy to write the Chair Diaz: