SB 1834 (2022) passed the senate Education; YEAS 6 NAYS 3
Only Berman, Jones, and Polksy voted no. Discussion of SB 1834 starts around the 40 minute mark, You can find the link to the video at this link: and look for the February 8th meeting.
Next it goes to the appropriation committee.
IF you use the link below, please thank Berman, Jones and Polksy for voting NO. Please tell the others that you are sad they voted yes. The below was drafted BEFORE the vote.
Forward from our ally:
Last year, Florida lawmakers passed a dangerously broad so-called “Parents’ Bill of Rights” backed by religious conservative groups that would undermine public education and limit the rights of school students. Now they are seeking to expand and weaponize this law to target LGBTQ students.
This new bill (S1834/H1557) will erase LGBTQ students, families, and history from public schools by essentially banning any classroom discussion involving sexual orientation or gender identity. Students with same-sex parents could even be prevented from discussing their families.
Moreover, the bill may force school staff to “out” LGBTQ students to parents, possibly endangering them and preventing schools from offering supportive resources.
This bill is being heard in the Florida Senate Education Committee tomorrow, Tuesday the 8th.
Please take action immediately by asking committee members to reject it!
Take Action Now
Although this bill is framed around protecting parents’ rights, the only rights protected are those of religious fanatics worried that the schools will somehow make their children gay. And in order to protect these absurd “rights,” this bill would sacrifice the health and safety of LGBTQ students.
Florida’s public schools are meant to be safe and welcoming for all children, and lawmakers should not manufacture “parents’ rights” that endanger students or undermine their civil rights.
Please take action now, and urge lawmakers to reject this bill!

Brett Parker
State Policy Manager
American Atheists