Please consider writing the Governor appointed head of the Florida Department of Health and asking him to change rule 64DER21-12 to allow elected school boards to pick the safest option for the neighborhood schools which is a mask mandate with no opt out provisions. The state Board of Education is using that rule to bully the school districts by threatening to defund the neighborhood schools if the school district doesn’t allow parents to opt their child out of the rule to wear a mask.
Both the Florida Board of Education and the head of the Florida Health Department are appointed by the Governor. Dr. Rivkees (head of the Florida Health Department) has an impressive resume. Why is he issuing a ruling that prevents the school boards from making the safest rule? Is he caving to pressure from the bullying from the Governor?
Some Catholic schools had mask mandates but then changed to optional when the Governor issued his executive order mandating opt-out provisions for the district-run schools. The Catholic schools changed back to the mask required rule when they found out the Governor’s rule didn’t apply to private schools even if they receive taxpayer funded voucher money. Copy of the letter from the people who control some of the Catholic schools:

You can email Dr. Rivkees at :
Perhaps you’d consider writing something such as:
State Surgeon General Scott A Rivkees,
I have to assume that you believe the mask will protect the wearer even if exposed to a kid with covid-19 who isn’t wearing a mask. Otherwise, I assume you would allow school districts to institute mask mandates with no opt out provisions. Would you please provide me with the data to back up that belief? I would like to know that my child’s mask will prevent her from being infected with the coronavirus if she’s exposed to a maskless child who has covid-19. If you truly believe that the mask protects the wearer, then why isn’t there an exception to the quarantine rule not only for those who have been vaccinated but also for those who wear their masks? IF you answer that you just want to be on the cautious side, then I don’t understand why you don’t want to be on the cautious side and allow school districts to have mask mandates with no opt out provision.
Excerpt from the American Academy of Pediatrics:
Research has shown that opening schools generally does not significantly increase community transmission with masking and other safety measures in place.
Please consider sending Dr. Rivkees a postcard–maybe similar to this one:

Here’s the link to 64DER21-12 :
Here is the announcement where DeSantis appointed Rivkees:
Except from the American Academy of Pediatrics:
Research has shown that opening schools generally does not significantly increase community transmission with masking and other safety measures in place.
Articles about the Governor and his appointees threatening the elected school boards: