Expand the Supreme Court

If you think Congress should expand the Supreme Court, please tell them. Here’s a link to all the Senators’ contact information: https://www.270towin.com/elected-officials/contact-us-senators

Write all the US Senators if you agree with this author who said,

Demand that the Supreme Court be expanded. Abolish the filibuster. Treat this like the emergency it is!”


Please see the previous blog post about recent cases:


Thomas wrote that striking down Roe should also allow the Supreme Court to rule that it’s OK for legislators to ban the use of contraceptives.

After all they have started using Catholic theology to make their decisions.

Excerpt from this Catholic website:
Why is masturbation prohibited?
God designed sexual expression to unite a man and woman in an intimately loving embrace that is total, faithful, free and fruitful

About Susan

Susan joined the First Coast Freethought Society in 2008 after hearing about the organization on NPR. Susan has coordinated the FCFS book group since 2016. She retired in 2018 after working as a CPA for 42 years! Now, she is a member of the Advocacy Overview Committee for FCFS.