Do No Harm Act

Do No Harm Act will correct the problems created by the RFRA

Please check out Americans United for Separation of Church and State press release about the Do No Harm Act:

There is an action alert at the link below. They make it easy to write and ask your U.S. Representative and Senators to co-sponsor the Do No Harm Act.

The October 18, 2021 meeting’s guest speaker also discussed the Do No Harm Act.
Videos of many of the FCFS meetings can be viewed at this link:
Some of the slides from that presentation:

●“The Do No Harm Act will uphold our country’s founding principle of religious freedom – that everyone has the freedom to believe as they want, but our laws cannot allow anyone to use their religious beliefs to harm others.
●The Religious Freedom Restoration Act was intended to protect free exercise and religious minorities, yet some are misusing this law to ignore nondiscrimination protections and deny people access to health care, jobs and government-funded services.
●This exploitation of religious freedom especially harms LGBTQ people, women, religious minorities and the nonreligious by undermining their civil rights and equality.
●The Do No Harm Act would preserve RFRA’s power to protect religious exercise while ensuring it cannot be used to cause harm.

RFRA has been misused to allow:

●Government contractors and other taxpayer-funded organizations to violate our nation’s fundamental civil rights laws and discriminate against employees and applicants.
●Taxpayer-funded foster care agencies to turn away potential parents because they are the “wrong” religion or LGBTQ, denying children in foster care the opportunity to find a loving home.

About Susan

Susan joined the First Coast Freethought Society in 2008 after hearing about the organization on NPR. Susan has coordinated the FCFS book group since 2016. She retired in 2018 after working as a CPA for 42 years! Now, she is a member of the Advocacy Overview Committee for FCFS.