Chaplains in the schools

Link to bill:

Links to articles for more information:

As of February 29, 2024; HB 931 has passed the House and is headed to the Senate.

There is still time to ask your state Senator to propose an amendment.

Here’s my suggestion for an amendment:

Public schools (district-run or charter) may not refuse anyone who passes the background check and requests to be put on the list. The state DOE will provide the staff to process the application and background check and notify the governing board that the applicant must be put on the list. It is required that no preference be given to one applicant over another in order to abide by the religious clauses of our state and US Constitutions. On the governing board’s website along with the list, there must be this disclaimer:

The government has not endorsed or vetted anyone on this list. The only requirement to get on the list is a minimal background check. 

The mental health counselor for the school will be responsible for obtaining the parental consent form and making the requested appointment. Before this bill takes effect, adequate funding must be in the state budget for at least one certified mental health counselor at every district-run school. It must be emphasized that these uncertified volunteer chaplains are not a substitute for a qualified professional certified mental health counselor.

About Susan

Susan joined the First Coast Freethought Society in 2008 after hearing about the organization on NPR. Susan has coordinated the FCFS book group since 2016. She retired in 2018 after working as a CPA for 42 years! Now, she is a member of the Advocacy Overview Committee for FCFS.