Issue: Whether psychic or emotional offense allegedly caused by observation of religious messages is an injury sufficient to confer standing under Article III of the Constitution, including where the offended party deliberately seeks out the exposure in question. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. Decided March 6, 2023 READ ALL ABOUT IT …
Ken Hurley
Florida Is Trying to Take Away the American Right to Speak Freely
From The New York Times Editorial Board, March 4, 2023 A homeowner gets angry at a county commission over a zoning dispute and writes a Facebook post accusing a local buildings official of being in the pocket of developers. A right-wing broadcaster criticizing border policies accuses the secretary of homeland security of being a traitor. …
Blue States Got Too Comfortable
“Democratic-leaning states represent the future and Republican ones the last gasps of a dying empire.” That’s been the theory long espoused by many on the left, my colleague Jerusalem Demsas wrote this week. But geographic trends suggest a possible reversal of this state of the union: Florida and Texas were last year’s top states for inbound domestic migration, with …
The Case for “Scientific Humanism”
Human progress, which has been breathtaking over the past two centuries in nearly every realm of life, has principally been the result of the application of scientific naturalism to solving problems, from engineering bridges and eradicating diseases to extending life spans and establishing rights. This blending of scientific naturalism and Enlightenment humanism should have a …
State Legislatures Ranked
A recent report from the Center for Legislative Accountability has ranked all 50 states from most to least conservative, with Alabama #1 leading as the most conservative state in the U.S. and Massachusetts as the least conservative #50. Florida is #6. Read more here:
From The New Yorker
A compilation of articles from The New Yorker magazine relative to atheism. “The idea of eternity, Martin Hägglund argues, destroys meaning and value.” READ HERE:
“Discrimination against religion”
The Supreme Court held that Maine’s tuition assistance program is “discrimination against religion” because it pays for tuition for some students to attend private schools, as long as the schools have a nonreligious curriculum. The Court’s majority opinion departs from prior decisions, which allowed states to deny funding to organizations that were going to use …
Deniers, Enablers, and Acceptors
David Leonhardt and Ian Prasad Philbrick from the New York Times break down elected Republicans into three groups, based on their stances toward false claims about the 2020 election: Deniers, Enablers, and Acceptors. READ MORE:
LGBTQ Secular Survey Results
Study shows Atheists are nicer than Christians