A Legislative effort to bring religion into classrooms faltered, though lawmakers were poised to allow chaplains to act as school counselors. Should this be permissible? READ MORE HERE:

Got to Get Past the Past

Book removals may have violated student civil rights. Read more here:

Lots of Americans Are Losing Their Religion. Have You?

FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES OPINION PAGE, APRIL 19, 2023. As Zuckerman, one of the co-authors of “Beyond Doubt” and a professor at Pitzer College, explained to me over the phone, when social scientists talk about religion, they do it in terms of “the three Bs: belief, behavior and belonging.” If someone asks you about …


FROM AXIOS. Updated Apr 3, 2023 – Politics & Policy Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed into law a measure that will allow people in the state to carry concealed weapons without licenses or training. Driving the news: With Florida, more than half of U.S. states now allow permitless carry of a concealed weapon. The …

Is “truth” an outdated concept?

Despite the backfire effect, in which people double down on their core beliefs when confronted with contrary facts to reduce cognitive dissonance, an “affective tipping point” may be reached when the counterevidence is overwhelming and especially when the contrary belief becomes accepted by others in one’s tribe. READ MORE HERE:

SB300 will expand abortion ban in Florida

ISSUES: Florida Senate Bill 300 (2023) if passed, will criminalize doctors who offer abortion care to patients with pregnancies past six weeks, reducing the abortion ban timeframe from 15 weeks. Many patients might not even know they are pregnant. READ MORE HERE:

WHAT’S NEXT? Never Say Gay?

Florida Governor, Ronald Dion DeSantis, wants to expand the Florida “Don’t Say Gay” prohibition to grades 4 – 12. READ MORE HERE:

PAY ATTENTION to HB999 (DEI, CRT, and more at risk)

The Board of Governors is appointed and lately has been filled with allies of Govenor DeSantis who are hostile to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, (DEI) and Critical Race Theory (CRT). HB 999 bans Florida higher education institutions from funding DEI programs, bans funding for federal or state funded organizations that focus on specific racial minorities or …

“Prohibited Topics” in Florida Schools according to the Governor

Florida school textbooks have become political lightening rods as part of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s campaign against what he describes as “woke indoctrination” in public schools, particularly when it comes to race and gender. Last year, he and his party made waves after they reviewed and rejected dozens of math textbooks citing “prohibited topics.” Now, the …