The Freedom of Thought Report is a unique worldwide survey of discrimination and persecution against humanists, atheists and the non-religious published by Humanists International. Learn more here:
Ken Hurley
A Tale of Two Pastors
Dear Friends, As we’ve been reminded in recent days, life under a Trump Administration operates at warp speed — each headline more disorienting than the last and with not enough time between to collect one’s thoughts or, crucially, for the collective to organize a response. But one story unfolded this week that’s helpful in summarizing …
“March for Life”
Government officials shouldn’t be implementing policies based on their religion. No pregnant person should have to fear if their doctor will save their life or let them die or be forced to have a child—just because some politician’s religion says abortion is wrong. But that’s the country we live in right now. Today, government officials …
State of the Secular States from American Atheists
The 2025 State of the Secular States report is the seventh edition of our annual review of state law and policy that affects religious equality and the separation of religion and government. READ THE REPORT HERE:
What White Christians Have Wrought
With the Republican presidential candidate regularly spewing racist, misogynistic, and even Nazi ideology (such as claims that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of the country), the most remarkable thing about this election is not which groups shifted marginally in his direction, but which groups continued to provide him with supermajority support. Namely, we must talk …
Religion and Elections
White Christians remain an influential force in American culture and politics. Their support, and the support of Hispanic Christians, helped Donald Trump regain the White House. Read more here:
A FEW FREE THOUGHTS: Voting Matters : by Ken HurleyYour vote makes a real difference. “Conservative warriors,” a term used by Paul Dans, are on the march! They want to forever change America as we know it, based on their belief that America is and should be a Christian Nation. Who is Paul Dans? Dans …
It’s Science. How to be a bit happier.
Happiness is not something that happens overnight. It’s a process that’s consciously cultivated with intention and purpose. But if you’re looking to embark on that journey, consider starting with some of these ten science-backed tips.READ MORE HERE:
Go Woke
Chief US District Judge Mark Walker issued a two-page order granting a permanent injunction against the “Stop Woke Act” workplace training provisions. The order says the law “violates free speech rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the US Constitution.” READ MORE HERE:
Project 2025 is a sweeping conservative coalition’s plan for a future Republican U.S. presidential administration. READ MORE HERE: